Sunday, 21 September 2014

Freshers! Kayakers! Welcome!

We at Liverpool University Canoe Club (LUCC) thought we'd post a variety of FAQ's and Top Tips about the excellent sport of Kayaking and the equally if not more excellent club that is Liverpool University Canoe Club! Freshers and those new to Liverpool, read on!

Read on for all you need to know about joining, loving and never ever leaving us!!!

What the b'jesus is kayaking?
Kayaking is an 'extreme' water sport, technically. Kayaking is not Canoeing, despite what our name suggests we don't really canoe at all. A kayak is a closed cockpit boat (usually in a pretty colour!) that you throw yourself down a river in, then paddle some. It's exhilarating, so much fun and an amazing way to see the world. But despite it's 'extreme' title, kayaking can also be very chilled and a fun way to spend an afternoon floating down a river in the countryside. 

What is LUCC?
We are a University kayaking club and regularly 'train' in the pool, go on weekends away to Wales and the Lake District and longer trips to Scotland and the Alps. We compete three times a year in BUCS events- river racing, slalom and polo- and attend big weekend events with other university canoe clubs from all over the UK. But we also have amazing socials and are all friendly and spend most of our time lounging about in pubs, each others houses and on the side of rivers. We paddle, party and live together for the most part! 

How can I join?
Find us at Freshers Fair, join the AU at the sports office when you decide you've fallen in love and want to spend your University career getting wet and quite drunk, then seduce our secretary JJ (she's easy) into giving you a membership form, then you're in! Couldn't be simpler.

Where do you do it?
Every Tuesday and Thursday in the University pool in the sports centre on campus. Polo on Tuesdays and General messing about on Thursdays. We meet at sheds across the road from the sports centre in the underground car park- but don't worry, for the first few weeks we'll all hang around and show you exactly where you need to go!! 

I'm at a different Liverpool Uni, can I still join?
YES. This is a big part of who we are and we love it! We have lots of JMU paddlers and always have done! Although we only recruit freshers from UoL, if you're a paddler and at JMU/Hope/LIPA etc, get in touch!!! It's a little different cost wise but not by much! 

What do I need?
The urge to try something new and the balls to try something out of your comfort zone I'd say. 
But equipment wise, not much! We have a store of boats, paddles, decks, bouyancy aids, helmets, wetsuits and cags for all those new to the sport. We also have private sheds for those with their own boats and paddles. Come along to the pool session with swimming stuff and shorts/tshirt to wear in the pool and we'll provide the rest! 

*Editing partly done by B.Waller, try to find his slightly risque/mean comment!