Liverpool University Canoe Club (LUCC) is perhaps the most awesome sports club in the University. Whether you are a seasoned kayaker or a complete novice you are welcome in our club. Feel like trying something new at University? Kayaking is a great way to make new friends, and see new things, and where else can you experience the thrill of freefall together with the power of water that you feel paddling of a 7m waterfall. The club meets every week in the University pools for a warm practice session, new members are always welcome to come along and join.
We organise trips most weekends to get out of the city and find some rivers to play on. These are generally organised after pool sessions so come along and get involved. Club members are involved in all different disciplines of kayaking from polo to slalom (though everyone knows nothing beats whitewater). We also do more than just kayak our socials are fantastic too, from the obligatory carnage of AU nights to more relaxed film nights, friends are for more than just paddling with.
New people are always welcome to pool sessions. Join the email list here to keep in touch with upcoming events.
Or if you want more info, facebook us (the link is on the main page) or drop us an email-
Happy Paddling :)

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